
There are a number of different solutions and options designed to make it easier for people with disabilities to use local public transport. For example, there is a free mobility training course for wheelchair users, and an information system for the blind which is currently being tested.

Mobility training

The Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Hilfe für Behinderte Sachsen e. V. company works with the Landesverband Selbsthilfe Körperbehinderter e. V. company to run an advice and business centre. They provide a wide range of advisory and training services, including a mobility training course for wheelchair users. The mobility training course is free to wheelchair users and is aimed particularly at people who are dependent on a wheelchair either for the first time or under changed circumstances. Carers and family members are also invited to the course.

The mobility training course includes a basic theoretical and practical element, and there are advanced courses for using low-floor buses and low-floor trams.

For further information on this mobility training, please refer to the Selbsthilfenetzwerk-Sachsen website.

Blind information system (BLIS)

Blind and visually impaired people, and other passengers whose mobility is severely restricted can use the DVB AG's public transport services with support from the Blind Information System (BLIS). Using a small, hand-held transmitter which can be acquired from Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Sachsen e. V. (BSVS), passengers can

  1. Query the route and destination of any vehicle that has arrived at the stop
    (the answer comes over the external loudspeaker on the tram or bus)
  2. Draw the staff's attention to any help that might be required
    (open all the doors for the blind/visually impaired)
  3. Get the next stop announcement repeated once the vehicle has set off.