
Aufsteller für Verkaufs­tresen

Zeigen Sie Ihren Kunden, dass Sie ein WerkstattTicket anbieten.

Drucken Sie sich dazu ein­fach den pas­sen­den Auf­steller im A4-Format aus:

When your car has to go to the doctor …

...buses and trains transport you for free. What a nuisance, when your car suddenly breaks down and has to go to the repair shop. To reduce the inconvenience and save the money for a rental car, you can use the bus or train for the trip to and from the repair shop.

Simply ask your car dealer or repair shop about the VVO „WerkstattTicket“.

You can use this ticket to travel to and from the repair shop by bus, train or tram.

In brief:
+ Repair order from the repair shop
+ Travel authorisation for VVO local transport
= WerkstattTicket


The WerkstattTicket is valid for one hour after stamping within the VVO area. The WerkstattTicket is available only when combined with a valid repair order issued by your car dealer or repair shop.

Overview of repair shops with WerkstattTicket