Travelling to Bavaria

When you travel out of the Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe (VVO) area to Hof, the Mitteldeutsche Regiobahn (MRB) tariff and selected Deutsche Bahn offerings apply to the entire trip.

The Deutsche Bahn tariff applies to journeys which go beyond Hof.

Bild: Tarif - Sachsen-Ticket

Guten-Tag ticket

This ticket is sold by the Mitteldeutsche Regiobahn (MRB) and is the best option for day-trippers. Whether you are travelling alone or in a group, this ticket allows you to travel all day long in second-class on the RE 3, RB 30 and RB 45 routes.

Bild: Tarif - Sachsen-Ticket

Regio120 and Regio120plus tickets

The Regio120 ticket is offered by Deutsche Bahn. You can use the Regio120 ticket to travel for up to 120 kilometres for just 20,30 euros. For over 120 kilometres you can use the Regio120plus ticket, which costs just 26,90 euros. (10.12.23)