Travelling in the VVO area

The VVO area is divided into 21 tariff zones. Whichever form of transport you use, and however often you get on and off, the prices you pay are based on these zones. When you travel, you simply count the number of zones you will pass through.


Den Download detailed tariff zone map: VVO tariff zone map (PDF, 3 KB)

TZ Name TZ Name TZ Name
10 Dresden 40 Großenhain 60 Dippoldiswalde
20 Hoyerswerda 41 Riesa 61 Freital
30 Kamenz 42 Thiendorf 63 Altenberg
31 Radeberg 43 Gröditz 70 Pirna
32 Wittichenau 50 Meissen 71 Bad Gottleuba
33 Lauta 51 Nossen 72 Bad Schandau
34 Königsbrück 52 Radebeul 73 Neustadt
81 Bischofswerda (Bus) 82 Königswartha 91 Boxberg
92 Spremberg 93 Elsterwerda 94 Mühlberg
97 Hetzdorf        

Boundary area

The VVO tariff is a tariff for a very large area. The area is divided into 21 tariff zones. Tariff zone boundaries touch upon neighbouring tariff zones. There are normally stops/stations at these tariff zone boundaries. A single stop (e. g. Dresden, Lugaer Platz) or more than one stop or all the stops in a particular town (examples: Coswig, Weinböhla, Radeburg, Sebnitz) may indicate a tariff zone boundary. In exceptional cases, the tariff zone boundary may also lie between two rail or bus stations.