Travelling in the VVO area

The VVO area is divided into 21 tariff zones. Whichever form of transport you use, and however often you get on and off, the prices you pay are based on these zones. When you travel, you simply count the number of zones you will pass through.

Tariff zone Name Tariff zone name
10 Dresden 50 Meißen
20 Hoyerswerda 51 Nossen
30 Kamenz 52 Radebeul
31 Radeberg 60 Dippoldiswalde
32 Wittichenau 61 Freital
33 Lauta 63 Altenberg
34 Königsbrück 70 Pirna
40 Großenhain 71 Bad Gottleuba
41 Riesa 72 Bad Schandau
42 Thiendorf 73 Neustadt
43 Gröditz    

Additional zones

Some bus and train lines leave the VVO area, but the VVO tariff still applies on them. Additional zones have been created on the outskirts of the VVO area.

Tariff zone Name Lines
81 Bischofswerda 264, 265, 520, 535, 748, 750, 795
82 Königswartha 500, 709, 710, 775, 780, 785, 790, 791, 796
92 Spremberg 779, 793
93 Elsterwerda RB 31, RB 45
94 Mühlberg 433, 437
96 Döbeln 416
97 Hetzdorf 333
98 Bienenmühle 365


Border stop and border area

Tariff zones usually touch at individual stops, sometimes in a whole town or between stops. If you travel from one tariff zone to the next, you normally pay for both tariff zones - with one exception:

Imagine you use only a few metres from both fare zones: Let's say you get on just before a border to reach your destination after only a few stops in the next tariff zone.

For such short journeys, we have set up an extra area on certain routes: the border area.

For this, you can use single journeys for 1 tariff zone or weekly or monthly tickets with the imprint "Grenzraum".

Boundary area

In the map above, the Dresden, Lugaer Platz stop (indicated in blue) lies in both tariff zone 10 and tariff zone 70. On the H/S city bus route, it is the boundary stop between the two tariff zones Dresden and Pirna. The tariff zone boundary runs on between the Dresden-Zschachwitz and Bf Heidenau railway stations (DD-Zschachwitz only belongs to tariff zone 10, and Bf Heidenau only to tariff zone 70).

Vorteil: Ob Sie nun aus Pirna oder Dresden kommen ist egal – bis hierher zahlen Sie den Preis für eine Tarifzone.

Auf der S-Bahn-Linie liegt die Tarifzonengrenze zwischen den Stationen Dresden-Zschachwitz und Heidenau. Wer eine Fahrkarte für Dresden hat, kann damit bis Dresden-Zschachwitz fahren. Nutzer eines Tickets für die Tarifzone Pirna kommen damit bis Heidenau Bf.

The VVO tariff is a tariff for a very large area. The area is divided into 21 tariff zones. Tariff zone boundaries touch upon neighbouring tariff zones. There are normally stops/stations at these tariff zone boundaries. A single stop (e. g. Dresden, Lugaer Platz) or more than one stop or all the stops in a particular town (examples: Coswig, Weinböhla, Radeburg, Sebnitz) may indicate a tariff zone boundary. In exceptional cases, the tariff zone boundary may also lie between two rail or bus stations.

Am Beispiel erklärt: Grenzraum

In the map above, the Dresden, Lugaer Platz stop (indicated in blue) lies in both tariff zone 10 and tariff zone 70. On the H/S city bus route, it is the boundary stop between the two tariff zones Dresden and Pirna. The tariff zone boundary runs on between the Dresden-Zschachwitz and Bf Heidenau railway stations (DD-Zschachwitz only belongs to tariff zone 10, and Bf Heidenau only to tariff zone 70).

Anyone travelling across the tariff zone boundary should pay the fare for 2 tariff zones. To soften this jump in price (level 1 to level 2), "boundary areas" have been defined at tariff zones boundaries. This will often be helpful to you if you get on just before the boundary and get off shortly after the boundary. The boundary areas differ in size, and they take the route network and transport connections into account.

The boundary area is marked on tickets when they are stamped. Passes (weekly, Abo, monthly and annual passes) have "Grenzraum" ("boundary area") printed on them, and the name of the two adjacent tariff zones (example: Grenzraum TZ Dresden TZ Pirna). On the tariff zone map, blue brackets ( ) indicate the boundary areas. The tables at stops in the VVO area also show this information.

If you are only travelling within the boundary area (between stops A and B), you only need a ticket for one tariff zone, i. e. price level 1 (if using a single journey ticket) or price level A (if using a pass).


  • On the S1 route the tariff boundary between the Dresden and Pirna tariff zones runs from Dresden-Niedersedlitz to Heidenau-Großsedlitz. If you just want to travel this section, you should stamp a ticket for one tariff zone. The boundary area up to Heidenau-Großsedlitz does not extend the Dresden tariff zone!
  • On the H/S city bus route, the boundary area runs from Dresden-Prohlis to Heidenau, Pechhütte. For journeys within this boundary area, again, you just stamp a ticket for one tariff zone. The H/S route crosses the tariff zone boundary at Dresden, Lugaer Platz. This boundary area does not extend the Pirna tariff zone as far as Dresden-Prohlis!
  • You can travel over two tariff zones within one boundary area with a price level 1 or A ticket at many other points in the VVO area, too.